When a newsletter is used correctly and fits perfectly into the overall content strategy, it is one of the best tools for customer retention. The aim is to provide valuable knowledge and inspiration, and to show that your company is continuously evolving and following current trends. A newsletter can also help you to stand out from your competitors. But does your company really need a newsletter? Yes! As long as you have something to say, which most companies do when asked.
The biggest challenges for the newsletter is busy people combined with delete and unsubscribe buttons that are always within easy reach. A razor-sharp headline and quality content are therefore essential. The headline must ensure a high opening rate and the content must ensure a high click-through rate (CTR). Your newsletter should never be spam – that is a sure way to push loyal and potential customers away instead of linking them to the company.
There are many different tools for working with newsletters. We have several that we recommend to our customers, but we are also accustomed to working with the tools our customers use themselves, which enable them to operate in many countries. We can handle all or parts of the process, from brainstorming, setting the editorial line, writing all the content, layout and setup to split testing and quality assurance, issuing, reporting and project management.