Issues management

Is there an issue, theme or area that you want to monitor or influence, because it is crucial for your business or because it could potentially develop into a crisis? We have many years of experience in issues management.

With issues management, we follow the critical areas that are vital to your company. We can also help you identify issues that could affect your business before they become a problem. We monitor for issues both offline and online across social and traditional media, so that you and your company have a chance to influence the issue at any stage. Our focus is to catch potential problems early and set out a plan for how and when you need to alter your behaviour and we advise you on how you can establish a constructive dialogue with both positive and negative stakeholders.

We have successfully been able to turn potentially negative situations that could have become ugly, into something positive. In all cases, it requires knowledge and preparation, which we can help you with.

Lars Rønnov Mortensen


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